Ember App is a winner!

Ember App is a winner!

Flagstaff has been recognised by Australasia’s Disaster and Communications Hub, Emergency Media and Public Affairs (EMPA) – at the 2023 EMPA Australia Awards held in Brisbane for the work on its disability safety program EMBER – the Emergency Management Backpack Evacuation Resource

Flagstaff won two awards for EMBER:

  • Winner of the Community Engagement category for Excellence in Emergency Communication and collaborating effectively with diverse and varied communities
  • Highly Commended for the Readiness and Resilience category for Excellence in Emergency Communication for a project or activity that contributed to improving community preparedness.

Having recognition and support from the emergency sector demonstrates that EMBER is a powerful tool and highlights the importance of preparing and planning for an emergency. Flagstaff has been as working with people with disability, carers, emergency personnel, disability providers and the community to ensure greater communication and support for people with disability in an emergency.

With more frequent natural disasters predicted in the future, it is vital to have an emergency plan. Download the EMBER emergency plan or nonverbal communication tool at www.emberapp.com.au

Well done to the Flagstaff Marketing team who has been working on this program and is continually improving and adding to its resources.



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